Events . Sunday Musical Showcase

Sunday Jul 18th 2021

Show 6:00 PM until 10:00 PM

Sunday Musical Showcase

diy jazz pop and alter country
Concert by Joey Molinaro
Owl Hollow

All Ages $5

CAL FOLGER DAY- Dublin/ Bmore witty jazz-pop chanteuse

MYLES MANLEY- Comical and commanding Irish alt-pop

HOWLING MOB- multi-instrumental country band

THOUSANDZZ OF BEEZ - Heart Wrenching avent-pop crooner

Hangout at 6,
music from 7-10
Bring $5 or $10 to throw in the hat!

maybe bring some food for the potluck

Related Entities: Joey Molinaro Owl Hollow
Tags: Country Jazz Pop

Posts 3
Sunday Musical Showcase
Event: Sunday Musical Showcase Related: Joey Molinaro Owl Hollow Tags: Country Jazz Pop
Geoffrey Maddock
diy jazz pop and alter country
Geoffrey Maddock

Geoffrey Maddock

Geoffrey Maddock

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